Robert Pattinson Questions Continue To Flood In: We Pick Wednesday's Best From The Fans!
Just think about it, if you send us a question to ask Robert Pattinson during his "MTV First: Robert Pattinson" live chat on Friday, March 18, you are just one degree away from the "Twilight" hottie.
That's right, all this week we're having fans like you come up with questions for RPattz, some of which our own Josh Horowitz will use during his interview with the star—who, in addition to a 30-minute interview on MTV and—will be debuting a brand spankin' new clip from his upcoming film "Water For Elephants"!
On Wednesday Crushers wasted no time getting in their queries for their beloved Rob (there's only two days left, people!). Plenty of fans were curious about his on-set stories from "Water For Elephants," as well as his feelings about fellow heartthrob Justin Bieber and his thoughts on Catherine Hardwicke's latest "Red Riding Hood" (which he was recently spotted seeing with Kristen Stewart!)
Please keep these awesome questions for Rob coming on Twitter—just send them to @MTVNews with the hashtag #AskRob—and maybe we'll post them right here on Hollywood Crush!
And don't forget to tune into MTV for "MTV First: Robert Pattinson" at 8:56 p.m. ET on Friday, March 18, or watch the stream live at
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