Saturday, October 2, 2010

New/Old Still of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart from a Deleted Twilight Scene

This still was found in the French version of the Twilight Movie Companion book.

Thanks to Twifans

cropped version via Robsessed


Unknown said...

Dang we got gyped in the U.S. Version then. Wish I had it I'd scan it and crop both half together so they were seamless. That's what I've done with all 3 books. We have a new kodak scanner/printer and it's awesome.

Unknown said...

I think this scene is beyond cute and kinda sexy lol but I always had a small issue with the logistics of it...maybe it's why it ultimately got cut. Cuz if he bit her then she'd have gotten venom in her system and Edward would have never risked that. I could see if she'd stuck her finger with a pin like in Eclipse or something but one he BIT her finger...2 he wouldn't have been able to stop with a drop...we all saw how hard it was when he had to save her life. When they try to be cutesy and stray from the book sometimes they throw all the logic out lol.