Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sky Movies Exclusive Twilight Interview With Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner

With the fourth Twi­light movie in pro­duc­tion and all three of the films so far show­ing on Sky this Novem­ber and Decem­ber, we find out exclu­sively from the franchise’s young stars whether three really is a crowd. Inter­view: Jenny Cooney. (spoil­ers below)

“They never do the kiss­ing scenes when I’m on set, so you gen­uinely feel like someone’s cheat­ing on you!”

When Sky Movies Mag­a­zine sits down with the lead actors from the Twi­light fran­chise – Kris­ten Stew­art (Bella), Robert Pat­tin­son (Edward) and Tay­lor Laut­ner (Jacob) – it’s imme­di­ately evi­dent just how close these young A-listers are.

Which is not sur­pris­ing given how much their lives have changed in the two years since the first Twi­light movie was released in 2008. Overnight, Stew­art (18 at the time), Pat­tin­son (22) and Laut­ner (then just 16) became teen idols, swept away in an incred­i­ble wave of Twi­light mania.
Now, as they approach their fourth movie together, Break­ing Dawn – Part 1, and with the first three movies (Twi­light, New Moon, Eclipse) show­ing on Sky this Novem­ber and Decem­ber, we get the low­down on what it’s like to be part of one of the most suc­cess­ful fran­chises ever…

Sky Movies Mag­a­zine: So, the third movie came out in cin­e­mas ear­lier this year and you’re about to start shoot­ing the fourth – did you ever expect Twi­light to be such a big success?

Tay­lor Laut­ner: It was a big sur­prise. When we were film­ing Twi­light we just thought we were mak­ing a movie that we were pas­sion­ate about. We didn’t know if any­body else was going to want to watch it. We had no idea it was going to turn out like this and then it just kept grow­ing and grow­ing.

Robert Pat­tin­son: I gen­uinely thought this was a dark lit­tle indie vam­pire love story… And then it just ended up being this mas­sive thing. I didn’t see it com­ing at all… But it’s not like I objected to sud­denly being in a big film! I mean, it’s great.

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